97 research outputs found

    A continuous variant of the inverse Littlewood-Offord problem for quadratic forms

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    Motivated by the inverse Littlewood-Offord problem for linear forms, we study the concentration of quadratic forms. We show that if this form concentrates on a small ball with high probability, then the coefficients can be approximated by a sum of additive and algebraic structures.Comment: 17 pages. This is the first part of http://arxiv.org/abs/1101.307

    Random doubly stochastic matrices: The circular law

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    Let XX be a matrix sampled uniformly from the set of doubly stochastic matrices of size nΓ—nn\times n. We show that the empirical spectral distribution of the normalized matrix n(Xβˆ’EX)\sqrt{n}(X-{\mathbf {E}}X) converges almost surely to the circular law. This confirms a conjecture of Chatterjee, Diaconis and Sly.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/13-AOP877 the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Inverse Littlewood-Offord problems and The Singularity of Random Symmetric Matrices

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    Let MnM_n denote a random symmetric nn by nn matrix, whose upper diagonal entries are iid Bernoulli random variables (which take value -1 and 1 with probability 1/2). Improving the earlier result by Costello, Tao and Vu, we show that MnM_n is non-singular with probability 1βˆ’O(nβˆ’C)1-O(n^{-C}) for any positive constant CC. The proof uses an inverse Littlewood-Offord result for quadratic forms, which is of interest of its own.Comment: Some minor corrections in Section 10 of v

    Circular law for random discrete matrices of given row sum

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    Let MnM_n be a random matrix of size nΓ—nn\times n and let Ξ»1,...,Ξ»n\lambda_1,...,\lambda_n be the eigenvalues of MnM_n. The empirical spectral distribution ΞΌMn\mu_{M_n} of MnM_n is defined as \mu_{M_n}(s,t)=\frac{1}{n}# \{k\le n, \Re(\lambda_k)\le s; \Im(\lambda_k)\le t\}. The circular law theorem in random matrix theory asserts that if the entries of MnM_n are i.i.d. copies of a random variable with mean zero and variance Οƒ2\sigma^2, then the empirical spectral distribution of the normalized matrix 1ΟƒnMn\frac{1}{\sigma\sqrt{n}}M_n of MnM_n converges almost surely to the uniform distribution \mu_\cir over the unit disk as nn tends to infinity. In this paper we show that the empirical spectral distribution of the normalized matrix of MnM_n, a random matrix whose rows are independent random (βˆ’1,1)(-1,1) vectors of given row-sum ss with some fixed integer ss satisfying ∣sβˆ£β‰€(1βˆ’o(1))n|s|\le (1-o(1))n, also obeys the circular law. The key ingredient is a new polynomial estimate on the least singular value of MnM_n

    Random matrices: Law of the determinant

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    Let AnA_n be an nn by nn random matrix whose entries are independent real random variables with mean zero, variance one and with subexponential tail. We show that the logarithm of ∣det⁑An∣|\det A_n| satisfies a central limit theorem. More precisely, \begin{eqnarray*}\sup_{x\in {\mathbf {R}}}\biggl|{\mathbf {P}}\biggl(\frac{\log(|\det A_n|)-({1}/{2})\log (n-1)!}{\sqrt{({1}/{2})\log n}}\le x\biggr)-{\mathbf {P}}\bigl(\mathbf {N}(0,1)\le x\bigr)\biggr|\\\qquad\le\log^{-{1}/{3}+o(1)}n.\end{eqnarray*}Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/12-AOP791 the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org
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